Board members

Currently, the members of the Board are:

  1. Jordi Salazar Soler, the head of Department who acts as chair
  2. Jordi Prat Tasias, the academic secretary of the Department
  3. Adria Bofill, IMASENIC from January  2017.
  4. Antonio Garrido, LEAR. 
  5. Carles Gómara, ACC10.
  6. Jordi Aubert, FICOSA.
  7. Enric Barba, CECOT.
  8. Ezequiel Navarro, AETIC.
  9. Juliana Restrepo, SECARTYS.
  10. Alfons Collado, CIRCUTOR.
  11. Joan Cabestany, Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica.
  12. Ramon Casanella, Associació Catalana d'Enginyers Electrònics.
  13. Juan Antonio Ortega Redondo, deputy director of Research and Institutional Relations of the Department with voice and no vote.